Thursday, January 6, 2011


In my third grading period, I learn so many things in this period like making my own web page, posting essays to my blog about the topic given to our teacher.I learn how to create web design and many more.

This coming forth and final grading I will improve my works so that I can make it better and I will apply this in my college life.........Thanks to my teacher....I love T.L.E IV....

New Year....New You

Every time that new year comes, we always make our new year resolution. This resolution, whether we may be able to do it or not is always a part of our lives every change of the year.

The new year inspires us to become someone new. We always try to chance things for the better. We may change our physical appearance or we may resolve to become a better person this year 2011, I resolve to be more serious in my studies. I want my parents to be proud of me. I also help in the household chores so that my mother will not be so tired doing all the work at home. This are simple resolutions that I wanted to achieved this year.